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Vermilion Catholic, a legacy of Mount Carmel is a member of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association. The school adheres to the rules and regulations of that body. An important aspect of the athletic program is good sportsmanship. Our athletes, coaches, and fans are taught to play and cheer with fairness, and courteousness, and gracefully accept the results at the end of the competition. In Louisiana, the school is responsible for the sportsmanship and conduct of its students and fans at all athletic events.


VC seeks to make each student a well-rounded individual that will find success in the world. Athletics work hand in hand with the Academic programs, with tutoring after school for all students.

Participation in any extracurricular activities whether it be sports, speech, drama, music, or other is a privilege and not a right.  This privilege is based on consistent academic performance.  It is the intent of this school that all students perform at a higher standard.  To that end the policy on eligibility is guided by a desire to reinforce our commitment to academic performance.

 All students who participate in extracurricular activities at Vermilion Catholic shall be passing in six (6) classes with a grade of 2.0 or equivalent.

The administration in consultation with the Advisory Board shall recommend procedures for enforcement of this policy in compliance with Louisiana Law, Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSSA) rules, or any other organizations governing extracurricular organizations.

Vermilion Catholic, a Legacy of Mount Carmel does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national origin, or ethnic background in educational programs or activities.  Vermilion Catholic administration reserves the right not to accept students who were expelled from other schools or possess poor grades and/or poor discipline records.